Carbohydrates have such a poor reputation in the food world. Why is this? Inaccurate nutrition information. Here’s why you need to make peace with carbohydrates!

Let me tell you a fun fact about carbohydrates, they serve as the main energy source to every single cell in your body! How many cells are in the human body you might ask, trillions. This is why we cannot deprive our bodies of this powerful macronutrient and why you need to make peace with carbohydrates. So, I’m here today to stand up for these poor carbohydrates and shed some light on proper carbohydrate intake.
Fat Storage of Macronutrients
First, know this: when you consume ANY macronutrient (carbohydrate, fat, or protein) in excess, the body utilizes what it needs and stores the rest as body fat. This doesn’t just occur with carbohydrates, it can occur with all 3 macronutrients, so don’t discriminate. 😉

Portion size is key
On average, it’s recommended for females to consume about 25-35 grams of carbohydrates per meal time and males should consume about 35-45 grams of carbohydrates per meal time. Keep this in mind when selecting the carbs you’ll be eating at that meal time and check the nutrition facts labels to know how many grams of carbs the item contains. Adjust the portion size accordingly to meet your carb gram goal.
Simple Carbohydrates vs. Complex Carbohydrates
We all know that there are carbohydrate choices that contain excessive amounts starch, added sugar and fat – a.k.a. simple carbohydrates. These are the types of carbohydrates that should be limited (i.e. pastries, cookies, buttery breads, sweets, sugary drinks, starchy vegetables, etc.).

BUT, there are also carbohydrates that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals – a.k.a. complex carbohydrates. These are the carbs that offer several nutrient benefits that are necessary for many physiological functions in the body and are great options in any individuals diet (i.e. non-starchy vegetables, brown rice, whole grain anything, beans, oatmeal, fruits with the skin, etc.).

Carbohydrate golden rule: more times than not, select complex carbs. Limit high fat, high added sugar, and high starch carbs. But this doesn’t mean you can’t ever have them again, just be smart about it when you do! Follow my first tip on how much you can have and read those nutrition facts. Use Google or MyFitness Pal for any fresh produce nutrition facts.
Eat balanced meals
When prepping a meal make sure that you have a carbohydrate option, a protein option, and a healthy fat option. It’s that simple! This is a great way to eat a little bit of everything, become satiated and not overindulge on one type of macronutrient that could lead to weight gain.

Listen to your hunger to fullness cues
This is the number one contributor to individuals being overweight! When eating a meal, you need to listen to your body and be present. When you start to experience the feeling of being full, stop eating. There is no need to finish your entire meal just for the sake of it. Place the rest of the meal in a container and reheat it for another meal. Also, recognize true hunger vs. being bored! True hunger means your stomach is growling or you are starting to feel sluggish.
Don’t cut out carbs entirely
Unless you have an intolerance or an allergy to certain a carbohydrate, there is no need to cut them out. Remember that moderation is key. So now that you are educated on why you need to make peace with carbohydrates, be nice to them, they do a lot for you!
I hope you learned a thing or two on why you need to make peace with carbohydrates! If you need further support to reach your goals check out my Macros Nutrition Program. Or if you have any further questions feel free to comment below or email me at
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