Going to a party without overindulging, while not feeling deprived is a skill. How can you achieve this? Here’s how to attend an event without overeating.

I cannot tell you how often I am asked questions about how to attend an event without overeating, especially while an individual is monitoring their consumption. The struggle is real my friends, but it’s not impossible. What’s the game changer? Your mindset going into the event. If you attend a party already knowing that you are going to go to town in the buffet line, then that’s exactly what will happen AND more. If you walk into the party with a healthy mindset and implement the tips below, you will walk away from the party feeling content and in control with zero regret the next day.
Have a game plan
Before you attend any gathering, come up with a game plan. Decide beforehand what you are going to eat and drink, AND stick to it! By doing this you will avoid excessive and mindless consumption, which is the goal in this situation. If you are unsure of what food will be served at the event, follow rule number 2.
Bring your own healthy dish
Whether you prepare your favorite healthy recipe or bring a fresh vegetable tray, bring a healthy option so that you have at least one safe dish to consume. The is the number one way to remain in control of what you are eating without being offensive to the host or drawing extra attention to yourself.

Don’t starve yourself all day in preparation
This is the most common mistake that people make on the day of attending a party. When you eat minimal amounts before an event two things happen. First, your body starts to think it’s in survival mode and will store most of the food at your next meal as fat. Second, you are likely to overeat due to excessive hunger. Eat regularly throughout the day as you normally would to avoid these situations entirely.
Portion size is KEY
If you decide to indulge in your favorite dish that your Aunt makes, don’t lose grasp of what the actual portion size of this food item looks like. You can approach this two different ways. Look up the nutrition facts for this specific item beforehand to know how much you can consume OR use the “cut in half” restaurant rule and eat half of the portion that they are serving. Just be mindful of what and how much you are putting in your mouth.
Listen to your hunger to fullness cues
It’s extremely important to understand your hunger and fullness cues. If you catch yourself going back for seconds or thirds, stop and ask yourself, are you really hungry or are you just eating for the sake of eating? Remember that attending an event is about having good conversation and making memories, it’s NOT about how many times you can fill up your plate. This is not only important when attending a party, this is something you should apply to your every day life.

Alcohol = carbohydrates
Any excessive macronutrient consumption turns into fat on our body, this includes carbohydrates. If you plan to drink at your event, don’t forget that it may contain carbohydrates and to make sure to include alcohol in your game plan! Pro tip: eat first, wait two hours and then have some drinks. This allows time for your food to digest and will prevent fat storage from your alcohol consumption.
Drink plenty of water before and during the event. Often times individuals confuse dehydration for hunger, if you know that not much time has gone by since your last meal but you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and reevaluate how you feel. Pro tip: water also provides a feeling a fake fullness and can prevent you from overeating, so drink up!
Keep it social
We attend a party to interact and re-connect with co-workers, friends, and family. If the dessert table keeps calling your name, keep it social and distract yourself by engaging in conversation with someone you haven’t seen or talked to in a while.

If you absolutely fall off the wagon at an event, don’t worry, let me fill you in on a secret. When you wake up the next morning do some fasted cardio for 45-60 minutes. You will utilize your newly stored fat as an energy source for that workout. It works wonders, I promise.
Ditch the guilt!
At the end of the day, gatherings are meant to be enjoyed so don’t overly beat yourself up if you don’t follow your game plan. Try and limit indulgence to one meal versus an entire day or weekend.
I hope these tips help you to feel confident in how you can attend an event without overeating.
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