Calorie counting has historically been the most popular way to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, counting macros is proving to be a much more effective and sustainable way to achieve the same results, long-term. Here’s why you should be counting macros vs. calorie counting!

What are Macros?
Macros is short for macronutrients, which is an umbrella term for the 3 nutrients we need to consume regularly to sustain life, this includes: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Each of them have different roles in the body, so it’s essential to consume a balance of all 3 to receive their benefits and for the body to function properly and is the number one reason why you should be counting macros vs. calorie counting.
The Role of Each Macronutrient in The Body
- Carbohydrates – the preferable energy source for every single cell in your body. Fun fact: how many cells do you have in your body? Trillions.
- Protein – helps build and maintain muscle, cartilage, and tissue. It’s a component of our skin, hair, nails and bones. Synthesizes hormones and enzymes. Can be used as a backup energy source to carbohydrates.
- Fat – remember those trillions of cells? Fat makes up the outer membrane of ALL of those cells. They are carriers for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). A component of many physiological functions in the body. They are broken down as energy last when consuming a meal, therefore, this macronutrient keeps you full for a longer period of time.

What does it mean to count macros?
Counting macros essentially means that you are monitoring the portion size of the food items you are consuming at a meal, as well as making sure that meal is balanced with all 3 macronutrients. You can do this by adding up the grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat of every food item that you are eating at one time and aiming for them to total your macro gram goal for that meal. While that may sound tedious, there are plenty of apps that help you to log your food items and they do the math for you (i.e. MyFitness Pal, LoseIt, etc).

Why should you be counting macros vs. calorie counting?
The short answer: not all calories are created equal! Your body can only utilize so many grams of carbohydrates, fat, and protein at ONE TIME. If you consume more than what the body can utilize, it will store on the body as fat (yes, this happens with all 3 macronutients, not just carbohydrates and fat).
For example: via calorie counting you assess you can have 500 calories for breakfast and you decide that 90% of those calories are coming from carbohydrates and the other 10% is a combination of protein and fat. Your body will burn through what it can utilize, store the excess as fat and you will be hangry within 2 hours because you did not have enough protein and fat (they are the 2 macros that keep you full for a longer period of time).
You simply cannot understand the nutrient breakdown via calorie counting and with counting macros you can. This is the exact reason it’s more effective and sustainable, long-term.
How to Figure Out Your Macros
Find a Registered Dietitian to work with in your area or contact me directly at and I can assist you.

Food Sources of Each Macronutrient
- Carbohydrates – grains, legumes, fruit, vegetables
- Protein – meat, dairy, eggs, vegetarian protein sources (tofu, tempeh, etc)
- Fat – nuts, seeds, avocado, butter, oil
What Counting Macros Has Done For My Patients
By having my patients count their macros, focus on balanced meals/snacks, and proper portion size I’ve seen:
- THOUSANDS of pounds lost
- Irregular lab values back in normal range
- Blood sugar control
- Cholesterol and triglyceride control
- Reversal of prediabetes
- Blood pressure control
- Discontinuation of all kinds of medications (diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc)
- Diarrhea or constipation return to normal bowel movements
Most importantly: I’ve seen my patients take back the quality of their lives and it’s the most beautiful thing in the world!
I hope you learned a thing or two on why you should be counting your macros vs. counting calories! If you need further support to reach your goals check out my Macros Nutrition Program. Or if you have any further questions feel free to comment below or email me at
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