Change is HARD. It can be frustrating and even deflating, but it’s the only way to achieve your goals. Breathe and follow these 5 steps to meeting your goals!

While behavior change is one of the most difficult and complex things to accomplish in life, it’s far from impossible. The beginning is often the most brutal part, but I promise you that you can do it. If you are struggling to evoke change in your life, follow these 5 steps to meeting your goals. Time and time again I’ve seen them work wonders in the lives of my patients.
1. Change one thing at a time
Don’t try to tackle everything at once, you’ll just overwhelm yourself and achieve nothing. Create a list of goals (i.e. increase water consumption, lose 5 pounds, meal prep weekly, etc.) and focus on one thing at a time. Even if your one goal is a small change, recognize that small things add up and eventually become something that you can be proud of.

2. Create behavior change, not a fast outcome
Make your one goal that you’re trying to tackle a HABIT, not the result of altering your actions for a short period of time that you quickly throw to the waste side once you’re over it. This new goal has to become the new norm and the new you. How do you make this happen? Commitment. Commitment to yourself, commitment to your health, and commitment to becoming the best version of yourself. Stick to it, do it every day and make it a part of YOU.
3. Your environment is EVERYTHING
If your goal is to lose 5 pounds, make sure that you clean out your refrigerator and pantry of all unhealthy items and replace them with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, dairy and nuts. If your goal is to not eat out every day for lunch, quit eating with the group of people that always eats out and go sit with the co-workers that bring their lunch every day. Or if those co-workers don’t exist, go find a nice spot outside and get some solidarity along with some sun during your lunch. Surround yourself with positivity and an environment that sets you up for success.

4. If you fall off track, jump right back on
This is the hardest part for most people, how do you recover after letting yourself go for a weekend, a week, or a month? There’s no magical answer. You need to recognize that you’re human, let go of the guilt and you get right back on track! Remind yourself why you decided to start your journey towards meeting this goal and find your original motivation all over again. True behavior change takes months to achieve and that includes all the highs and lows. Keep your head in the game, you can do it!
5. Repeat steps 1 – 4
Use this strategy for each goal on your list. You will be so proud of the results. Be nice to yourself and BELIEVE in the power you hold!
I hope you learned a thing or two about the 5 steps to meeting your goals! If you need further support to reach your goals check out my Macros Nutrition Program. Or if you have any further questions feel free to comment below or email me at
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